Leo Martinez

Leo Martinez

Boots on the Ground: Uniting, Innovating, and BUIDLing at ETHDenver 2024

In a time of rapid technological change, my journey in the web3 space has been a testament to the power of community and innovation. From the halls of ETHDenver 2024 to the SheFi summit, I’ve embraced the spirit of collaboration, forging connections and insights that propel me forward. As I blend my artistry with technical prowess in Dragverse, I'm committed to creating a sustainable platform for artists and creators, using web3 to redefine our digital world.

Instagram Story Fonts: What font does Instagram use for Stories and Reels?

In February 2018, Instagram released the "Type" mode for Instagram Stories, allowing users to share their thoughts using different text styles and backgrounds creatively. These new Instagram Stories fonts allowed users and creators to use the app natively to create stories that aligned better with their personal or branded style preferred. Then, in 2020, the holidays came early when on August 3rd, Instagram released more options than before!

Nannies Series

Nannies Series Logo
NANNIES is a new series that follows four New York babysitters navigating dysfunctional parents, inquisitive kids, and their own ambivalence. On this first episode, Justin informs the gang that in order to set a better example for Adam he is quitting smoking. Watch to see how that works out for him!